How to Best Save Time on Certified Payroll Reporting

Hands Weighing Time and Money

Certified Payroll Reporting can be one of your most time consuming financial operations if you don’t handle it properly. On top of that, if you don’t perform it accurately then it can be viewed as a criminal offense which may lead to legal prosecution.

How can Certified Payroll Reporting be time- consuming?

Certified Payroll Reporting involves making sure that you know each and every prevailing wage project that an employee worked on during a week, as well as all of the employee hours by day and their paycheck details (gross pay, deductions, etc.) All of this requires a lot of care and there is a lot of room for human error. It will consume an inordinate amount of your man-hours and put significant strain on your human resources.

So what should you do if you are a contractor or the head of payroll?


Well, if you want to save time and ensure that there are minimal to no errors in your Certified Payroll Reporting, then you should entrust this complicated task to software technology. You should consider investing in smart and innovative digital solutions which automate the Certified Payroll Reporting workflows and processes. This will not only make the task easier for you, but also save a lot of time while requiring minimum human resources. This will allow you to allocate people’s valuable time to projects and tasks of higher priority.

Why Us?

We provide smart and innovative digital solutions for Certified Payroll Reporting which will make your job easier as the head of the payroll. We guarantee your satisfaction and thousands of contractors who use our services throughout the country will testify to that.

What do we offer?

Some of the features offered by our innovative solutions include, but not limited to: A simple and user-friendly interface. It makes certified reporting a smooth experience. It offers online report access and storage so that you can store information and generate reports very easily. Federal, State and Municipal reports. The Deluxe and Premier editions of our solution include numerous state and municipal forms, and all editions automatically generate the federal WH-347 report so that you don’t have to work on it manually. Transfer from another leading payroll provider. It allows you to easily integrate your workflows with the top payroll providers or in-house payroll solutions. Generating weekly or bi-weekly payroll reports. It allows you to have complete control over when you want to generate your certified payroll reports. You can choose to generate weekly or bi-weekly payroll reports as per your prevailing wage contract allowances.

Reach out to us directly

If you are interested in acquiring our services, then you should get started right away! If you have any further queries then feel free to contact us any time. We are hoping to hear from you soon! Thousands of contractors throughout the country rely on Certified Payroll Reporting to simplify their prevailing wage reporting, join them today by clicking here to contact us

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